In the popular blog Burnt Orange Report, a shocking truth about our Republican gubernatorial candidate Gregg Abbott was revealed-
he doesn't support Equal Pay. This is an insulting piece of news to hear, as
women have been fighting for equal rights in the United States for over 150
years. Have we still not yet earned our rights? The article references a study that showed women in Texas are being paid
on average 82% what a man would make in the exact same position. Despite this
clear inequality, Abbott seems to have dismissed the problem as someone else’s,
stating that he will not sign an Equal Pay bill like the one that Governor
Perry vetoed last year. It is clear that the article is targeting women in
Texas, raising awareness of the discrimination. However, the blog appeals to men as well, both showing the injustice of modern society, as well as the elusive intent of Attorney General Abbott. As a potential candidate for
Governor, Abbott has made an error in offending at least half the population of his
I believe that even conservative, Republican women will see this as too
traditional of thinking. The same studies dissected Abbott’s employees’ pay.
They compared the salary of men to women, and broke them into categories
depending on experience. 6 of those 7 categories, the average man’s salary was
anywhere from $647-$4,452 higher than the average woman’s. Clearly Abbott has
little respect for the women of Texas and the hard work they have put into
Equal Rights. While he denies opposing Equal Pay, his actions certainly speak
louder than his words. The blog provides their reader with a fair critique, and
references to their claims that contain even more information for those who
wish to be involved. Hopefully the attention paid to this problem will gain substantial support
for Democratic candidate Wendy Davis. Let's Go Davis!